A Book for Women Written by a Man Who Loved Many.

“Daddy, why were you married 5 times?”

“Daddy, why were you married 5 times?”

After my divorce from my daughter’s mother, I was picking up my daughter from school and while driving home, she asked me, in a negative tone, “Daddy, why were you married 5 times”? I immediately knew her mother was trying to influence her against me by telling her, at the age of 4 years old that daddy was not a good man. I was calm and understood that she did not even understand fully her question, so I answered her by telling her; “Yes, Daddy was married 5 times. You need to know that all of my life, I wanted a daughter just like you and I knew I had to find the right woman, the right mother. When I met your mother, I knew I had finally found my true love, or so I thought. Your mother and I both wanted a daughter. You are the best daughter I could have asked for, I love you bigger than the sky, always remember that”! At the time, I was shocked that her mother would do such a thing!

As you read, my book, you will understand, men and women are often hurt when their spouses try to change them into someone else. We all want to be accepted for who we are and not what others want to change us to. Additionally, you will understand that trust is vital to a successful marriage, couples need to build trust in their relationship by being honest with each other and understanding their personal goals in life. And most importantly, you will read how open and honest communication is the key to any successful relationship.

I am no angel; however, I was a gentleman and honored every woman I was with throughout my life, including my daughter’s mother. I knew immediately after hearing my daughter ask me that question that I needed to let her know, from me, who her dad was and who he is today and how it all came to fruition. I needed for her to understand how much I love her and that she was the greatest gift from God and the best daughter a father could have! It was very gratifying telling my story to my daughter. I hope you enjoy it as well!

About  the  Author

Bob Mika

Having known so many women, he has come to realize what it means to be in a committed relationship, why they fail and what it takes to make one work. The true meaning of a relationship is a partnership and working for a common goal. This book will show his daughter and readers how they can grow together in their own relationships, he will share in each chapter a lesson in life that he wants you to understand about women that he has experienced on his life’s journey. This is not written by a Psychologist or a Therapist who have completed years of research, this book is based on real-life experiences of a successful entrepreneur to allow his daughter and the readers to know why he has been married and engaged to so many women, and for her to realize how important she is to him.


Coming of age has little to do with years.

Review By: Greg D

Picture the Charlie Harper character from Two and a Half Men coming to grips with the realization that the daughter he always wanted is coming of age. As a father, do you turn over the equivalent of your life’s diary for your daughter to read? Not I. But strangely enough it’s interesting to see this “womanizer” appears to have been fishing with the wrong bait and in all the wrong places. Turns out he has a soft side that he desperately wants his daughter to read about. He wants her to see his exploits, wins and losses so she can recognize and learn from his experiences. It could be to beware of guys who lived their lives like he did. It’s a good read.

Great interesting read!

Review By: Michell

I enjoyed the book, your advice at the completion of each chapter and at the end of the book should ring true for any parent who truly loves their children. I found myself looking back on raising my son; what I expected of him, how I rewarded and disciplined him. Your depiction of your relationship with Mandi from my experiences, sounds like a fairytale. Almost unbelievable. But I am grateful for reading your book and for seeing that raising children doesn’t have to be an exercise in futility as mine was.learn from his experiences. It could be to beware of guys who lived their lives like he did. It’s a good read.